Simple Opsec

Why this website is so bare

This website looks very bare, not many projects and posts. There’s a big reason why it’s so empty, Opsec.

I’ve spent a lot of my life protecting my identities from a real life counterpart. Thus protecting me from fallout of my poor decisions in my youth. Now that I’m in my 20s, and looking for work, I do need an identity closely tied to my real life identity. So this identity was created to facilitate that, so that I can still provide personal details publicly without cross contaminating with other identities.

Thus this identity, and by extension this website does not have much content. All my achievements are strewn across various identities.

While this Identity isn’t that new, it’s not been utilized much. I’m going to start using it more for projects that don’t require separation of identities.

So hopefully this website will be more appealing to employers in the near future.

SecDevOps Engineer

I’m a Proudly 🏳️‍🌈 caffeine powered hyper dork interested in FOSS, Programming, Embedded Systems, Security, Game Development and more. I’m always looking for opportunities to learn and ways to improve the world using Software.
